News from Norwescon March 2023

News From Norwescon 45: Between Two Worlds

Announcing Science GOH Greg Dubos, an update on our COVID policy for young children, youth programming, masquerade and game registration, dance schedule and song requests, the Speculative Film Festival, Guidebook, hotel reservation deadlines, charity fundraising proceeds going to SFWA, volunteer opportunities, and looking for books for the Little Free Library.

News From Norwescon February 2023

News From Norwescon 45: Between Two Worlds

Announcing Artist GOH Grace P. Fong, our NWC45 COVID policy, this year’s Philip K. Dick Award nominees and our book club’s selection from that list, youth programming plans, charity item sales, a call for Game Masters, and some of our open volunteer positions.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer With Norwescon!

We have several open opportunities to volunteer with the Norwescon Convention Committee as we plan for Norwescon 45. Here are a few, and keep an eye on our Open Volunteer Positions page or come to one of our ConCom planning meetings to find more!

News from Norwescon October 2022

This month: Our Artist Guest of Honor, registration is open, applications for the Dealers’ Room, Art Show, and Club Tables are open, an update on our safety procedures, looking for a teen/YA leader, our book club’s October choice, soliciting donations for our Little Free Library, and wear cosplay to a hockey game!

News from Norwescon June 2021

We hope to see you in person next spring! But until then….it’s time to start planning real-world events again! Our Volunteer Picnic, camping trip, and book club meetups are all coming up. Stop by and say hi!

You’re Invited to a Party!

NWC42 Stuffing Party

Please join us on Sunday, April 14 for fun and games as we take pieces of paper, paperback books, buttons and coupons and marry them together to form the packets that everybody receives at Registration. The more people we have, the faster it will go. Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive. Cop a button or two advertising the next big movie. We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal.

Working at the stuffing party counts towards hours worked at the con. Norwescon volunteers receive perks like early seating at the Masquerade and are entered into drawings for many items donated by Norwescon dealers. The drawings take place early Sunday afternoon of the con.

Stuffing will start at approximately 1:00pm, although volunteers are advised to arrive a bit early to find a good spot.

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You’re Invited to a Party!

NWC41 Stuffing Party

Please join us on Sunday, March 25 for fun and games as we take pieces of paper, paperback books, buttons and coupons and marry them together to form the packets that everybody receives at Registration. The more people we have, the faster it will go. Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive. Cop a button or two advertising the next big movie. We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal.

Working at the stuffing party counts towards hours worked at the con. Norwescon volunteers receive perks like early seating at the Masquerade and are entered into drawings for many items donated by Norwescon dealers. The drawings take place early Sunday afternoon of the con.

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NWC41 ConCom Meeting Dates

Our lineup of ConCom (convention committee) meeting dates for Norwescon 41 have just been posted on our Volunteers page. Our monthly ConCom meetings are the best way to peel back the curtain and become an active part of producing Norwescon! We’re always looking for more volunteers, and would be happy to have you as part of the team.

March ConCom Meeting

NWC36 March ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? March’s Norwescon 36 planning meeting will be held Saturday, March 9th, 2013.

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